Chirigota "Hasta que la muerte nos separe" (1990) - Pasodoble "My friend Paco"

My friend Paco
was trying to incite me
to make a song
about La Viña distric,
a good one that emphasize
the beauty of its streets,
the fragance of its environment
that makes you fall in love with it.
How much I'd like, dear little Paco,
that such a thing were real,
but it happens, chap,
that my neighbourhood is falling down
and there are twelve people
living in just a room there,
so what kind of compliment
can I say to it?
I am not diying for La Viña,
I am just having my life there,
and it makes me laugh
those people who are from there
just when Carnival season arrives.
I'd love to see if such a smart poet
could write those beautiful lyrics
if he had his kitchen proped up.
How much I'd love
to see my distric
smelling to breakwaters,
that La Viña were
the house of the sea,
but my neighbourhood
is falling down little by little,
how could I make a compliment
when it's collapsing more and more?

Manuel Santander Cahué / Antonio Martín García - Chirigota "Hasta que la muerte nos separe" (1990)

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