Chirigota "Flamenkito Apaleao" (2000) - Pasodoble "With money"

With money, you can't buy
this life, nor the other one,
there are many poors with money
while their hearts are bankrupts.
With money, slaves
are slaves of money
while are carrying crosses and chains
through their bandit roads.
With money, you can't buy friendship
of the little ship of love.
Poor one the one who says:
"Money is a powerful Sir",
cause a powerful Sir is the one
who holds freedom.
And the one who join money
should go to live alone,
the gold searchers
have never companion,
and if a mate happens to go with him,
that one could be murdered soon...
I, with the huge sea in front,
and the shine of the Moon,
am holding more diamonts
that the Fortune Goddess.
I, with the huge sea in front,
and always walking with my rib,
my friends, my wine, my bread and my art,
have more than enough!

Juan Carlos Aragón Becerra - Chirigota "Flamenkito Apaleao" (2000)

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