Chirigota "Los Mandanga Danzers" (2000) - Pasodoble "There is something"

There is something
that I don't understand
from your culture:
if your God is so good,
why is he treating you so badly?
If He is just one,
why are there so many figures of Him?
If it's said that your faith
can move mountains,
why are you praying
when things don't go fine?
Tell me, why His house
has His doors closed
for a retarded little kid
that believes in Him?
And if He creates you
in His own image and likeness,
why are you so different
and are blind with power?
You have just make up a religion
for the powerful and rich ones convenience,
His house never lack of anything
while many children are dying
in the third world.
One day a week at church to pray
is enought for you
to get a place in Heaven.
I know some one would say:
what happen to this black man?
Just stop pretending!
Your god is just convenience,
while mine is Nature,
that's a truth as big as a Cathedral.

Jaime Fernández de la Puente Alcántara / Juan Manuel Pérez Rodríguez / José Manuel Prada Durán - Chirigota "Los Mandanga Danzers" (2000)

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