Comparsa "La Comparsa de Momo" (2008) - Pasodoble "There is somewhere"

There is somewhere a tourist class
that goes to certain country
looking for little girls,
longing to bring their small bodies
to a bed where it doesn't matter
that she is just an underage.
Plesure trips with everything included
for their perverions and forbidden wishes;
they will calm the scared ones
and only God knows what they will do
to those poor little kids.
Children that become women
because they get dirty their childhood,
their very parents prostitute them
when being just some years old
to satisfy the whim of a rich man
In a night inside a hotel
they have them to their mercy,
as a sale for a small amount of money.
Damned your dirty vile heart,
and your vice, despicable traveller,
that abuse those little girls with impunity
and take as a souvenir
their innocence and dignity!

Francisco Javier Márquez Mateos / David Márquez Mateos - Comparsa "La Comparsa de Momo" (2008)

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